
更新于 07-11-2023


1. LQT-BE,Day Walk 由 8 个主题组成。


2.标准是根据 这个文件.



3. 有兴趣获得“领先品质步道 - 欧洲最佳步道,日间步行”证书的组织(旅游组织、自然保护区、文化、环境或步行组织、市政当局等)请联系欧洲漫步者协会(以下简称:ERA)开始该过程。根据 ERA 程序,ERA 恳请感兴趣的组织告知其所在国家的 ERA 成员组织其准备一次或多次 LQT-BE Day Walk 的意图。
联系方式: https://www.era-ewv-ferp.org/era-community/members/

4. ERA offers regional standard European training courses to national organisations and people*. The local trail scouts can gather the necessary data for the trail inventory after a course. The local interest groups involved in walking (walking, cultural or environmental organisations/associations, nature reserves, tourism, forestry, etc.) can nominate up to a minimum of 8 maximum of 12 suitable and competent people for the training to become a local trail scout. The cost of providing the standard European training course is on this page. The training of local experts and the following process are managed and accounted for by the national experts.

5. 受过培训的当地步道侦察员收集认证所需的数据(库存分析)并准备对日间步行/步道的临时评估。 这将显示不合适的部分,例如,长长的密封表面,或者路径路线不够多样化/有趣的地方。 因此,可以轻松识别不符合要求标准的区域。

6. 当步道符合“领先质量步道——欧洲最佳,日间步行”的标准时,必须向 ERA 提出认证申请。 清点期间记录的数据——如培训课程中所述——与申请一起提交。

7. Following the principles of sustainability the organisation applying declares that the trail complies with all environmental protection guidelines (especially in sensitive areas like nature reserves, biotopes, etc.) and assures that the trail is maintained and waymarked for the period of certification.

8. ERA 验证并独立处理和分析(优势/劣势分析)本地收集的数据。

9. 在此之后,合格的 ERA 检查员将检查轨迹。
检查员将联系国家专家和侦察员协调检查。 ERA 收集的数据与申请人提交的数据进行比较。
When the ERA Inspector has verified the trail as LQT-BE, Day Walk, a trail assessment report is made by ERA and ERA certifies the trail as LQT-BE, Day Walk for 3 years.

如果检查员未将步道验证为 LQT-BE、Day Walk——例如,因为未满足某些标准——申请人将——未决情况——与步道侦察员一起改进步道,并向检查员证明所需的改进。

10. LQT-BE,Day Walk 标签可用于印刷和电子媒体的营销目的。 


12. To keep the certificate the LQT-BE, Day Walk must be recertified every 3 years.

13. 重新认证发生:

  • 由当地的侦察员收集和评估数据。
  • 由 ERA 检查员检查踪迹。

    最新标准用于现场检查。 此外,还会检查信息板和小径上的其他标志以及小径上的标记。 最后,如有必要,检查并更新网站和可能的文件夹。
    The new registration form is completed by the national expert and sent to ERA for approval.

14. When everything is in order, the trail is recertified for a further 3 years by ERA.


* 培训课程

Besides the European two-day standard training course, ERA offers additional training courses. The specification of courses:

标准两天欧洲培训课程 = 8-10(最多 12)人接受培训成为当地步道侦察员。 该课程侧重于理论部分(质量标准、路标指南、认证流程)和实践部分(现场数据收集和认证数据传输) LQT-BE 日间徒步。 当地的步道侦察员可以在课程结束后收集步道清单所需的数据。 LQT-BE 日间徒步的步道侦察员的知识应每 5 年更新一次。

为期三天的欧洲联合培训课程 = 8-10(最多 12)人接受培训成为当地步道侦察员。 培训分为知识 LQT-BE 日间徒步 of LQT-BE Long Distance with a focus on the common part (quality criteria, waymarking guidelines, certification process) and the separated practical parts (data collection in the field and data transfer for the certification). The training is led by two experts, one from the European Ramblers’ Association (for LQT-BE Day walks) and one of Deutscher Wanderverband Service (for LQT-BE Long distance). The local trail scouts can gather the necessary data for the trail inventory after a course. The knowledge of trail scouts for LQT-BE Day Walks and LQT-BE Long distance should be refreshed every 5 years.

Light (Renew) one-day European training course = 目标是两个可能的群体:
1. 8-10(最多 12)人获得 清爽 培训课程 LQT-BE 日间散步 after 5 years of the last training. The training is mainly focused on updates in the certification process and quality criteria and a practical part (data collection in the field and data transfer for the certification). Only trained trail scouts with a certificate from the previous European training course can apply for admission.
2. 8-10 名(最多 12 名)接受过 LQT-BE 长距离步道侦察兵训练的人员获得 额外 培训课程 LQT-BE 日间散步. The training focuses on the theoretical part (quality criteria, waymarking guidelines, certification process) and the practical part (data collection in the field and data transfer for the certification) for the LQT-BE Day Walks. Only trained trail scouts with the certificate of the European training course for LQT-BE Long distance, issued within the previous 12 months by Deutscher Wanderverband Service, can apply for admission.