LQT Standarden

Special Quality Certification for walking trails.

De speziellen Qualitéitszertifika vun 'Leading Quality Trails - Bescht vun Europa'bitt en transparente System vu Kritäre fir d'Verbesserung vun der Trailqualitéit a ganz Europa.

Wéi ass et méiglech dëst ze garantéieren?

Through the creation of a system of assessment that considers the needs of walkers!

The use of the criteria system ‘Leading Quality Trails – Best of Europe’ renders the attractiveness of routes measurable and guarantees a high-quality walking experience.

Such a system has to capture the complexity of different landscapes, infrastructures, and route characters in comparable dimensions. To allow for the variety and uniqueness of the landscapes and walking routes in the different regions of Europe, the criteria system has been constructed with maximum flexibility. It uses years of practical experience in countries that already use quality criteria to plan and upgrade walking trails.

D'Bewäertung / Bewäertung als 'Leading Quality Trails- Bescht vun Europa’ is an award as well as a transparent method to optimize the overall route infrastructure. The criteria can be used as a checklist and help countries that have to build up their walking route network. In countries that already have a functioning route network, such a system can strengthen walking tourism further.

The logo ‘Leading Quality Trails- Best of Europe’ is used on national as well as international trails. Certification is only available for complete trails. The prerequisite is a distance of at least 50km with three daily stages. Exceptions to the rule are the European Long Distance routes. They can be certified in part, as long as the minimum length is given.

Mat der “Leading Quality Trails - Bescht vun Europa“, D‘ERA setzt en europäesche Standard a bréngt verschidde Benotzunge fir Walking Tourismus:

  • giving the walking tourist an overview and decision-aid
  • wat Ökologie an Naturschutz ugeet
  • involvement of all affected/interested parties in the quality process 
  • trained and competent trail experts in the area e.g. from walking groups, wildlife reserves, and tourism
  • kompetitiv Virsprong fir d'Wanderregioun am Marketing