E9 in Spain


Partially active the European Trail E 9 runs along the north coast of the Iberian Peninsula, where the proximity of the mountains create a cut coastline, alternating cliffs, small beaches and estuaries of the rivers that flow from them. It is a humid part of Spain from the Basque Country to Galicia; there already in front of the atlantic ocean, the route looks for the rural interior so as not to cross the coastal cities. Prolonged by the Portuguese coast a last section, under construction, will connect the border with Tarifa, where it will meet the E4 and E12.

Starting Point

Hondarribia (Pais Vasco)

End Point

Monte Aloia (Galicia)

Which cities and towns does the E-path pass through


438 km. active

Ground path of the E-path

  • GR® 121, Guipuzcoa (Pais Vasco) Stages 1-6
  • GR® 204, Asturias. Stages 1-28 (incompleted)
  • GR® 053, Galicia, Stages 1-2
  • GR® 094, Galicia, Stages 1-7
  • PR®-G 01, Galicia

Responsible organisations

Guipuzcoa: Federación Guipuzcoana de Montañismo www.gmf-fgm.org

Asturias: Federación  de Deportes de Montaña, Escalda y Senderismo del Principado de Asturias www.fempa.net

Galicia: Federación Galega de Montañismo, www.fgmontanismo.com

Electronic Information


Búsqueda avanzada
Sendero Europeos E 9

By region

Asturias: fempa.net

Marking system

Crossing other E-paths

In the future, its final point will be Tarifa where E4 and E12 end / start.



In the three regions in the towns are hotels, camping and other systems to accomodation, mostly in summer. Normally the websites of the municipalities offer that information. Internet searches also provide results


The towns on the route have restaurants and shops to buy food. In summer season many more establishments open than in winter


The Basque coast is highly populated area, and public transport is frequent between the villages. In Asturias and Galicia public transport is much less frequente, but taxi service is normal.


It is frequent to have storms on the coast in winter, which requires good protection against rain

Weather sites: aemet.es/es/portada


Geoparque Costa Vasca: geoparques.eu/los-geoparques/costa-vasca/