Rambling is a very eco-friendly activity. People who go on rambling are aware of their surroundings and consciously try to respect the environment. Rambling associations help to reduce the negative effects of overcrowded footpaths by marking out new paths and providing other useful amenities.
The European Ramblers’ Association (ERA) was formed in 1969 to unite federations and associations of ramblers from all over Europe. The ERA encourages these groups to act responsibly towards the environment, gain recognition, and promote a sense of teamwork among their members.
ERA objectives are:
- The development of walking concerning the environment – the build-up and maintenance of a network of cross-border footpaths
- The protection and development of European cultural heritage – the action for both preserving or making walking more accessible to rural areas – the implementation of practical information about rambling towards ERA’s member associations – the exchange between ramblers to strengthen mutual understanding between European citizens
In collaboration with its partner, GDF SUEZ Foundation, ERA established a competition between 2011 and 2014 to acknowledge European hikers’ endeavors that promote the preservation of the environment and the vital footpaths for sustainable development.