
Last updated: 16-6-2024

This page is for information and coordination of the initiative ‘Green Trails’.

Pre-Project Planning: 3-Month Plan

Month 1 (February 2024): Research and Strategy

Stakeholder Analysis:

Identify and compile a list of potential stakeholders, including environmental organizations, trail managers, government agencies, and potential corporate sponsors.

Regulatory Analysis:

Research and understand the legal and regulatory requirements for establishing a certification system in the targeted regions.

Competitor Analysis:

Conduct a thorough analysis of existing trail certification programs to identify gaps and opportunities for differentiation.

Expert Consultation:

Reach out to experts in sustainable tourism, environmental conservation, and trail management for insights and recommendations.

Month 2 (March 2024): Team Formation and Initial Funding

Legal Setup:

Initiate the process of establishing the legal framework for the certification system. Consult legal experts to ensure compliance.

Team Formation:

Recruit key team members, including project managers, legal advisors, and communication specialists.

Grant Applications:

Begin the process of applying for grants from environmental and tourism organizations. Develop a compelling grant proposal.

Partnership Outreach:

Initiate discussions with potential partners, including environmental NGOs, outdoor gear companies, and trail management organizations.

Month 3 (April 2024): Initial Platform Planning and Awareness Campaign Kick-off

Platform Blueprint:

Create a blueprint for the online certification platform, outlining key features and user experience.

Initial Funding Campaign:

Launch a pre-project crowdfunding campaign to generate initial funds for legal setup, team formation, and blueprint development.

Awareness Campaign Kick-off:

Launch a teaser awareness campaign on social media platforms, introducing the concept of the Green Trail Certification system.

Community Engagement:

Create a preliminary community engagement plan, setting the foundation for ongoing communication and collaboration.

End of 3 Months (May 2024): Evaluation and Adjustment

Assessment of Progress:

Evaluate progress made in team formation, legal setup, and initial funding campaigns.

Feedback Collection:

Collect feedback from the initial awareness campaign and crowdfunding efforts to inform adjustments to the overall strategy.

Adjustment of Milestones:

Refine the overall project plan based on the insights gained during the pre-project phase.

By the end of this 3-month pre-project phase, the Green Trail Certification initiative will have a solid foundation, a legal framework in progress, and initial funding to kickstart the next phases of the project. The initial awareness campaign will have laid the groundwork for community engagement and support. Adjustments made at this stage will ensure a smoother transition into the detailed one-year plan.

The draft Plan for ½ year.

Expected initiative start: August 2024.

ERA intends to execute the initiative by:

  • Evaluating Criteria: Assess existing Leading Quality Trails (LQT) criteria to integrate Green Trails into the LQT system.
  • Testing: Test at least three trails across Europe to evaluate the practical application of the criteria STARTER.
  • Outcome Preparation: Prepare and present the findings at the 3rd European Trails Conference in Paris, in November 2024.
  • Future Development: Prepare the initiative for implementation on the STARTER level and for inclusion in an Erasmus+ project starting in 2025 (or 2026) for further development and implementation.

Key considerations


  – Be flexible to accommodate feedback and make necessary adjustments.


  – Collaborate with existing trail networks, environmental groups, and local communities.


  – Implement a feedback mechanism for continuous monitoring and improvement.


The plan aims to swiftly develop, test, and launch the Green Trails certification system, emphasizing stakeholder engagement, adaptability, and effective communication. The goal is to establish a foundation for sustainable and responsible outdoor tourism practices across European trails.

Furthermore, the Green Trails will form the basis for a system of guidance and education within sustainable trails.