The idea of the new WG is to update the common frame work in order to gain new interested MO to give better qualified walk leaders.


Angelo LatorreFederazione Italiana Escursionismo (IT)
CONTACT: angelomichelelatorre(at)
Anita BistričićHrvatski Planinarski Savez (HR)
Aurélie SeilleFédération Française de la Randonnée Pédestre (F)
Guido LeiburEesti Matkaliit (EST)
Jane CarneyMountaineering Ireland (IRL)
Karin KunzSchwäbischer Albverein and Sauerländischer
Gebirgsverein (D)
Lehel KováczErdélyi Kárpát-Egyesület (RO)
Pedro CuicaFederacao de Campismo et Montanhismo de Portugal (P)

Main objectives:

  1. Make the walk leader’s educational framework compliant with the present European standards.
  2. Increase and foster the quality of Walk Leaders
  3. Increase the number of walkers who become leaders and give them the motivation to continue their activity
    and develop their skills over time.
  4. Construct a modular and progressive training programme whichcan be followed to provide a pathway for
    lifelong learning and continuous development of skills and maintain currency for walk leaders.
  5. The progressive modules allow for specialization in associated or complimentary skills. These include, for
    example, the planning and design of complex treks, even in particular environments, such as at high altitude
    or in a snowy environment. These kinds of treks generally go beyond the average level of most activities
    organised by Mos
  6. Cultural, historical, environmental and marketing skills are distributed in the levels following the first one.
    which These skills increase the quality of an excursion, but are however outside the minimal skills needed to
    lead a group of hikers safely.
  7. Distributed within the different levels are the essential and advanced soft-skills useful to manage the
    relationship with the group members efficiently and effectively.
  8. With the help of the O.M., lists of certified walk-leaders and trainers in organisations and in ERA who are
    willing to teach on demand within their subject area, will be established.
  9. Promote the definition of training and convivial events dedicated to walk-leaders in Europe, touring the
    various countries.
  10. Promote the exchange of ideas, skills and best practices among walk-leaders, possibly by setting up a “Virtual
    Community of Walk Leaders”.

Project final products:

No.ProductStart dateEnd dateState
1Survey to be distributed to MOs01/07/202130/11/2022Completed
2Detailed analysis of the evidence obtained from the survey01/12/2021In progress
3Based on the evidence in point one, the taxonomy of the
certification levels
01/01/2022In progress
4Details of the teaching subjects and the hours of training
required, divided into theoretical and practical
To be started
5Construction of a central repository or at the individual
organisations of certified walk-leaders
To be started
6Graphic layout to produce an identification card for certified
walk leaders.
To be started
7Promotion and realisation of specific events, training and
convivial, dedicated to Walk Leaders
To be planned