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European long distance path E 12 along the sea
20/01/2024 @ 08:00 – 17:00
The Commission for European Footpaths in Slovenia, in cooperation with the Lisca Sevnica Mountaineering Association, the Radlje ob Dravi Mountaineering Association, the Koper Coastal Mountaineering Association, inPlaninci, the Slovenian Forest Service, the Toni Tourism Agency …
invite you on Saturday, 20th January 2024, to a traditional hike through the European long distance path E12 along the sea.
Weather: suitable for the mid-mountains.
Food & drinks: from your rucksack.
We will start at 10:00 in Sečovlje by the Dragonja River, in front of the entrance to the Saltworks Museum (info point), where the E12 stamp is located. We will be guided by local guides. The walk takes about three hours. As the sea waves roll in, we will hear many nice things about the Sečovlje Saline Landscape Park, Portorož and Piran.
We walk at our own risk.
Information and registration : Jože Prah 041 657 560 keups.slo@gmail.com