Support the future of walking in Europe: Donate to ERA

As proud supporters of walking and hiking across Europe, we understand the immense value of preserving and enhancing our beautiful trails, paths, and natural landscapes. The European Ramblers Association (ERA) has been dedicated to this mission since 1969, working tirelessly to promote walking as a recreational activity and to foster cross-border cooperation among our diverse member organizations.

We are excited to announce a new initiative that offers an opportunity for everyone to contribute to the future of walking in Europe. By visiting our donation page, you can support ERA’s vital efforts in:

  • Creating and marking trails: Help us expand and promote European long-distance paths, the E-paths, ensuring they remain visible and enjoyable for future generations. (for example: get experts in communication to improve our visibility and visibility of E-paths and LQT-BE Day Walks)
  • Protecting natural landscapes: Your contributions will aid in the preservation of the countryside, allowing walkers to experience the untouched beauty of Europe. (for example: support the work of the working group Green Trails or LQT-BE Day Walks, create a new webpage for Day Walks to show variety of the landscape and spread walkers to different beautiful places in Europe to avoid their accumulation on exposed places)
  • Fostering cross-border cooperation: Support initiatives that promote cultural heritage and the seamless crossing of borders, preserving the unique traditions of each region. (for example: support the ERA administration and help to sustain the physical location from which ERA operates)
  • Enhancing walking experiences: Enable us to provide resources, expertise, and best practices to improve the quality of walking experiences for both locals and tourists alike. (for example: support the programme for ERA Walk Leader to guide walkers to the nature in the sustainable manner)

Every donation, no matter how small, makes a difference. By coming together as a community, we can ensure that the legacy of walking and hiking in Europe continues to thrive.

We encourage you to share this message with your members and networks. Let’s work together to support ERA’s mission and keep Europe’s walking paths vibrant and accessible.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment and support.
ERA Board