What is ‘LQT-BE, DW’ ??
LQT-BE, DW stands for: Leading Quality Trails – Best of Europe, Day Walk.
Many know the Leading Quality Trails, which are the best hiking trails in Europe. Find them here. They are more than 50 km long and are certified by ERA.

Now, after nearly 3 years and 2 years of Covid, we finally were able to test our new shorter Leading Quality Trails, the so-called Quality Day Walks.
The Quality Day Walk are trails between 4 and 25 km and are based on 8 themes.
Three persons from ERAs working group were gathered in Guttland, Luxembourg to test 3 potential Leading Quality Trails – Best of Europe, Day Walk.

The aim was to test the criteria, procedures and evaluation.

The three trails were the Guttland trails.

Two out the three trails seems to pass the evaluation. But this is first known later, as calculations and evaluation must be done.

ERA intends to inform further about the new Quality Day Walk at the 53. ERA conference and at a virtual conference in spring 2023.